man pruning trees

Prepping Your Trees And Garden For Spring

Everyone is looking forward to warmer weather - including the plants and trees in your garden! Spring is a time of transformation and by doing a little prepping in the garden during the last weeks of winter, you can get it ready for the most…
Aussie backyard bird count logo

Aussie Backyard Bird Count

At Dickies, our job is just as much about caring for trees and optimising their growth in urban areas, as it is removing those that pose a risk to people or are in poor health. As such, we get to enjoy spending a lot of time in the outdoors…
sapling tree sprouting out of mulch

The Magic of Mulch

We’ve discussed the many benefits of mulching your garden in the past but now that we’re well into Spring, we thought another reminder was in order. In the aftermath of all those winter storms, your fertilisers and mulch may have been washed…