Removing Pinecones from Bunya Pines
Every year Dickies Trees is commissioned by the Town of Vincent to remove pinecones from large Bunya Pines. The actual pinecones are quite rare in WA and as you can see are rather large in comparison to the pinecones you may find on other pine trees.
The cones can grow to be very large – as large as a standard Football – and should they drop, cause significant damage to anyone standing underneath. It is Dickies Trees responsibility to remove the Bunya Pinecones before they drop.
Bunya Pine Trees can grow to substantial heights and therefore Dickies Trees uses a 46 metre Cherry Picker to remove the pinecones.
So guess what Perth! It’s that time of year again.
You may see the crews around town, at places such as Beatty Park, Hyde Park and the small parks located in North Perth and Mount Hawthorn.
You’ll also see the crews completing work such as tree removal, tree stump grinding, tree lopping and power line clearance. As well as this they deliver mulch and prune trees.
If you’ve got a tree that’s being a little tricky, or perhaps some pinecones that you would like removed, then give us a call on 9249 4077.
And whack it on the head with a Dickie!
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